Promote Release Notes

Last Updated: 2018-03-15 09:44:43

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Known Issues and Instructions / Released 29 August 2018

  • known issues


    1. Clicking outside of the File Explorer when opening a project can cause a crash.


    2. Uploading multiple Two Big Ears (Facebook Audio Files) fails and corrupts the project. Workaround: Remove TBE file before adding another one. Reveal project folder (Ctrl-R), go to the branch folder, go to the audio folder and delete the TBE file. Then add the new TBE file via the Authoring Tool.


    3. When enabling VR mode, VR Controllers currently do not appear and using them can cause the app to crash. Workaround: Do not use controllers when in VR mode.


    4. When replacing a video in a branch with a new video, the timeline becomes inaccessible. Workaround: Save and Reload the project. Timeline will be responsive again.


    Experimental Features:

    The Text Events and Picture In Picture timelines are in development and not fully functional at the moment. They can be enabled in Settings (Ctrl-Y) -> Advanced -> Experimental Features. Enabling the Experimental Features checkbox will allow authoring using these timelines. USE AT YOUR OWN PERIL. May render your project unusable in future releases. Experimental functionality is NOT yet supported by the player apps.


  • tip

    How to install:

    – Install using the LiquidCinema installer, dependencies will be installed.
    – If needed you can install the OculusSetup.exe for Oculus Support (An updated
    version of the setup might exist on the Oculus Website, and it will update itself once installed)


    – OpenGL 3.3
    – 1 GB RAM / 1 GB GPU RAM
    – Intel or AMD x64 processor
    – SSD is highly recommended

    How to Launch :

    – Double click LiquidCinema.exe

    See Keyboard Shortcuts


Known Issues and Instructions / Released 15 March 2018

  • known issues

    1. When moving items on the timeline and releasing the mouse when the cursor is not on the event anymore causes the mouse to be locked to the event bar. Solution: Release the mouse button when the cursor is over the event bar.


    2. On Complete Back Actions not being triggered in tool. They are being triggered in the players.


    3. When adding a new branch on a full hard drive it can lead to errors. Make sure you have enough hard drive space on your main drive.


    4. Errors possible when importing video or other assets into the tool from external USB drives: Workaround: Copy assets to fixed drives and import from there.


    5. 2D Graphics have different positioning and sizing based on aspect ratio. We are implementing a solution that makes sure that 2D graphics retain their relative positioning when aspect ratios change.


    6. Importing and using custom fonts is not implemented in players. Only the default Roboto font works in the players.


    7. Multilingual previewing of PIP (Picture in Picture) is not enabled in the authoring tool. However multilingual PIP is supported in the CMS and players.


    Experimental Features:

    Enabling the Experimental Features checkbox will allow authoring using these timelines. USE AT YOUR OWN PERIL. May render your project unusable in future releases. Experimental functionality is NOT yet supported by the player apps.


  • tip


    How to install

    – Install using the LiquidCinema installer, dependencies will be installed.
    – If needed you can install the OculusSetup.exe for Oculus Support (An updated version of the setup might exist on the Oculus Website, and it will update itself once installed)


    • Windows 7 or above
    • NET 3.5 or higher
    • OpenGL
    • Quad-Core CPU
    • 4+ GB or RAM
    • A dedicated graphics card
    • View at 1920×1080 or higher resolution


    See Keyboard Shortcuts